Earlier this month I was honoured to accept an appointment as the chair of the Vulnerable Members Advisory Council at AustralianSuper.
I am proud to be part of this initiative of AustralianSuper, which identifies AustralianSuper members who are vulnerable, and offers them additional assistance.
The nature of the assistance these members require depends on the types of vulnerability they experience. For example, vulnerability may come from physical ill-health, lack of literacy, age, domestic violence, or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status. Our committee oversees the care we are able to provide to these members, whether that may be interpreting services, more flexibility around documentation, identity verification, or cultural training for staff-members when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members.
Assessors and claims managers receive cultural awareness and emotional intelligence training to help identify and support people at risk.
Throughout my career - from my earliest days working as a part-time cleaner, to now standing at the helm of a 4000-person strong company, community care and compassion for those who are vulnerable has always been a priority. I am thrilled to accept this position on the Vulnerable Members Advisory Council to play my part in creating a positive impact on society.